Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17th

I decided that I should just write a blog about what's being going on in our life, instead of sending out emails.
We have been in Quartzsite, AZ all winter enjoying the wonderful weather!!  It has been one of the nicest winters that we have experienced down here.
Everything was going great until one night three weeks ago, when I couldn't sleep and got up to have a snack and missed the last step and fell and broke my ankle.  I was laying on the floor, yelling for Buck to please help me, my right foot pointing to the right instead of to the front, wondering how in the heck was I going to get up and get out of the RV.  I knew I needed the ER and that was 35 miles away in Parker.  Buck called Kevin and between the 2 of them they got me up and out and into the truck.  Not a easy task.  
I ended up dislocating and breaking two bones in my right ankle.  They got it back in place and splinted it in the ER telling me that I would defiantly need surgery.  I had the surgery done a week ago in Phoenix.  A plate on one bone and pins and screws in the other.  I have been staying with my cousin since then, don't know what I would have done without their help.   Buck makes a darn good nurse too, and also Kevin and Dianne.  
I will not be able to put any weight on my ankle for at least 6 weeks and the surgeon would like me to stay here until it heals, so looks like we will be moving our RV up to the Phoenix area and won't be able to go home  until the end of April or first of May.
I am doing great tho, knowing I am on the road to recovery.
I'm going to end this for now and will write again soon.


  1. when YOU need an excuse to not go back to that MN winter.. you don't fool around, do you!!! don't argue with Nancy!

  2. Nancy, so sorry for your ankle break- it always happens so quickly- before you know it's happening! Spring will be slow coming everywhere so maybe that will make your forced stay a bit easier. We are leaving around the 3-4 of April . They say ground is snow free bur still not very spring lik
